Hi, we’re Pensionfriend! Our mission is

To Help People Build a Safe and Sound Financial Future

We help people make the best of Germany's Pension System by making the impact of pension and other investment choices as concrete and tangible as possible.

How it started

In 2018, Nick, Pavel and Chris started Hypofriend. Since its inception, Hypofriend has helped thousands of Germans and Expats across Germany to find and finance their home.
Portrait picture of Dr. Christian Mulder, Co-founder and CFO of Pensionfriend
Portrait picture of Nick Mulder, Co-founder and CEO of Pensionfriend
Portraitfoto von Pavel Jurasek, Mitgründer und CTO von Pensionfriend

During that time, we faced many questions that revolved around financial advice

Is buying a house enough for our
financial future? Or should we
save more?
We bought a house.
What's next?
Can you help us make sense
of our German pensions?
Should I invest my full down
payment in the house? If not,
Should I rather invest in ETFs
now house prices are so high?
As we answered these questions, over and over again we realized that we kept on stumbling upon the same points:
Customers need a low-cost investment vehicle
Customers need clarity on their pensions
Customers need clarity on what solutions are best

We are commited to your future, so that you can retire with confidence

As we grow older and older, having a good income in old age is more and more important:
We help you forecast your pension and how much you need for a safe future.
We show you the pension impact of early retirement and house buying decisions, as these are essential for your planning.
The German pension system is complex, and has many options that are hard to compare:
We sift through the forest of options so we can identify what options are relevant in the prevailing market conditions.
We calculate the impact of the options, so they are comparable, and you can assess their benefits and their impact on your future income.
Investment choices are complex and overwhelmingly numerous:
We have compared all the key indices against the longest data series available to bring you the most relevant and best choices.
We are transparent in terms of cost and unbiased in our recommendations.

Some of our smart, caring humans that are by your side: quants, financial advisors and pension specialists

Our team has the background to deliver you the best unbiased advice. Here are some of our members, that are dedicated to create clarity in German pensions and find the best solutions.
Portrait picture of Zhi De Khoo, Quantitative Analyst at Pensionfriend


Msc, and finishing his PhD in Statistics from University of Malaya and a Quantitative Analyst at Hypofriend.
Portrait picture of Jan Bandke, BA Professional Financial Advisor at Pensionfriend


Bachelor Professional Financial Advisor - CCI (IHK) / Fachwirt für Finanzberatung (IHK) with 10+ years of experience.
Portrait picture of Sven Gehle, Investment specialist at Pensionfriend


Banker (IHK), with more than 20 years of experience as Investment and Pension specialist.

We’ve disrupted the German mortgage industry

We are now planning on doing the same with the German pension industry.
Jan Bandke
Pension & insurance expert

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