Pensionfriend's Investment Advisory Philosophy

Learn about our fundamental investment advisory philosophy that forms the basis of our investment advice and recommendations.
Dr. Chris Mulder

Dr. Chris is a former Senior Economist and Manager at the IMF and The World Bank. He is a Hypofriend Co-founder.

Published on Nov 25, 2022 Published on Nov 25, 2022 . Updated 7 months ago


Dr. Chris is a former Senior Economist and Manager at the IMF and The World Bank. He is a Hypofriend Co-founder.

Investing is a lot about trust in the expertise and also honesty of the specialist that advises you. In the following, we explain our fundamental investment advisory philosophy – in other words, the principles we follow and which form the basis of our advice and recommendations.

Not the standard warning

The standard warning for investors is: past returns are no guarantee for the future.

But a better warning should read: Biased presentations of returns are a guarantee that you won't see such returns in the future! That is why we seek to provide you with unbiased analysis and data on returns.*

* Inspired by Stephen Nickell, Nobel Laureate and one of our teachers.